Here you can find some documents related to the project.
The Great Southern Trail Sustrans Report
The report which started it all… this report published in 1988 was commissioned by Shannon Development and prepared by Sustrans, it is seen as Ireland’s first planned Greenway (long before the phrase was even coined).
30 years later despite the entire Limerick section of the route being complete, the only part realised in Kerry is the first 2km section, from Casement Station to Mounthawlk in Tralee. |
Media Info Pack
A brief synopsis of the project, outlining the history and benefits which was compiled in 2011 and presented to local media as well as politicians and businesses. |
National Cycle Network funding scheme – 2013
This report on the Tralee to Fenit greenway was prepared for and presented to Kerry County County in support of a potential funding bid as part of the 2013 National Cycle Network funding scheme.
The report outlines the project and it’s benefits in response to each of the assessment criteria of the funding call and shows that the project is an ideal candidate to support under the National Cycle Network funding. |